Friday, December 14, 2012

Poppy Delevingne: She Wears It Well

In theory, the outfit Poppy Delevingne chose for a Jimmy Choo party in New York this week shouldn't have worked.

If you break it down it's totally 1980s mum dressing - full, flouncy skirt, shocking pink court shoes, roomy gold top. Forgive me - in the Eighties the top would have been tucked in and 'bloused out' and held in place by an elasticated belt with a big gold metal butterfly buckle.

READ: Poppy Delevingne heads to Hollywood to crack the film industry

And yet I'm not dissing 1980s mums; my own wore something similar to her 40th and she looked lovely… I'm just saying.

Anyway, it's a very 'now' look. Why, as I type, Maddy, the très chic intern sitting not too many seats away from me, is wearing a similar cream skirt with a navy sweater (sleeves pushed up, natch). I'm just craning my neck to see her footwear under the desk… and, yes, I can report that she has a very feminine pair of pointy toed black and mesh ankle boots.

IN PICTURES: Poppy Delevingne models for Louis Vuitton

Girls, girly is in! But, and I emphasise the but, the key thing is to mix into the femininity a little bit of boy. Delevingne's masculine jacket - draped over the shoulders in the Trade Marked official style of someone who's So Serious About Fashion They Can Balance a Jacket on Their Shoulders Throughout Any Eventuality Life Might Throw at Me, is absolutely essential. Without it she could be seriously at risk of breaking out into a mum jive.

Via: Poppy Delevingne: She Wears It Well


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